Wednesday, 15 August 2018

You and me and me
Feeling you
In the hues of the day
Feeling you
In the peace of the night
Feeling you
In the cool breeze of the yet summer sun
Feeling you
In aromas that rains create
Feeling you
In the beauty called nature 
Feeling you
In the moon,in the stars,in the sky
Feeling you
In defining happiness
In living your will
Feeling you
In percieving success
In losing myself to you
Feeling you
In blessings endless,my way
Feeling you
In saying Alhamdulillah
Feeling you
In the melody of 'THE Book'
Feeling you
In your love that 'll never die
Feeling you
In eyes that dream,in things-to-be
Feeling you
In prayers silent of the heart
Feeling you
In appreciating pain
Feeling you
In love,in peace,in joy
Feeling you
In smiles innocent they stole
Feeling you
In wonder if ever can they return
Feeling you
In spaces time creates
Feeling you
In not being able to bridge 'em again
Feeling you
In questions unanswered
Feeling you
In the miracle called life
Feeling you
In the tick of the clock
Feeling you
In the journey towards you
Feeling you
In the heart that asks you if it can beat
Feeling you
In the tales that from you,seek their end
Feeling you
In endurance,in haste
Feeling you
In solitude and in a crowd
Feeling you
In your love called parents
Feeling you
In the angels called pals
Feeling you
In the mirrors called siblings
Just their thought and I thank you
Just their name and I smile
Just their presence and I live
Feeling you

In everything nice and otherwise
It is your love my Lord,that flows through my eyes.